Teen Titans Fanon Wiki

The minor characters of Starfire and the Seven Tiny Titans.


Queen - The mother of Starfire and Blackfire. When she was pregnant with Starfire, she wished that her daughter would have skin as bright orange as a star, hair red as a rose, and eyes like emeralds. She got a wish, and she managed to survive long enough to name Starfire before she passed away. After Blackfire was captured and sentenced to limbo for her crimes, her mother was there to set her back on the right path, and first she spanked her for dabbling with dark magic, trying to kill Starfire, and for all the evil things she did as a queen. She then explained to Blackfire how she loved her and Starfire equally. She then put Blackfire in a crib to sleep as she told her that she would be returned to the land of the living once she was set back on the right path.

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The Titans meet Starfire and their younger selves.

Cyborg - When Robin calls and says he'll need a larger transport home, Cyborg meets a nine-year-old version of himself, and after starring, shrugs and accepts him as a little brother. He then heads home with the greatly enlarged Titans.

Beast Boy - When Robin calls and says he'll need a larger transport home, Beast Boy meets a seven-year-old version of himself, and after starring, shrugs and accepts him as a little brother. He then heads home with the greatly enlarged Titans.

Raven - When Robin calls and says he'll need a larger transport home, Raven meets an eight-year-old version of herself, and after starring, shrugs and accepts her as a little sister. She then heads home with the greatly enlarged Titans.
